This limited edition set includes:
- Two first-run, signed, and dated best-selling books: Learning by Designing Pacific Northwest Coast Native Indian Art Volume 1 and Volume 2.
- One 18 inch x 18 inch limited edition Raven print created by Jim Gilbert in 1999.
About the limited edition print:
- The print is one of a limited 250, created by Jim Gilbert in 1999.
- It was printed using the photo lithographic process.
- The plates were destroyed after the printing process to guarantee that there will be no further printing.
- After Jim’s death in 2000, the prints were titled, numbered and Jim’s name printed, initialled and dated by Joan Gilbert to certify authenticity.
- The print is rolled then shipped, it is not framed. The frame in the above illustration is only for visual effect.
Description of print:

Raven is the most powerful and important mythological figure in Pacific Northwest Coast mythology. He is, among other things, the supernatural transformer, trickster, shaman, teacher and master artist. Here, Raven is shown within a circle representing contained power. Raven’s strong, solid formline design is superimposed on a crosshatched background.
Surrounding this circle is a narrow negative area which breaks the cover page into four areas. This symbolically defines the four areas of Raven’s world: the sky world, the land world, the sea world and the underworld. Raven is about to take flight and break free from the circle in another attempt to make changes and restructure the world.
Raven’s mission in the Learning by Designing books is to help expand knowledge and understanding of the two-dimensional art of the First Nations people of the Pacific Northwest Coast. In this print, which is also the cover design of the books, a young raven’s head is emerging from Raven’s body. Raven is recreating himself in a new form for the artistic task of making visible the spiritual and mythological.
Both ravens hold in their beaks a symbolic starburst design unit representing artistic knowledge, which is about to be shared with the world. Thus, Raven’s goal, like that of all good teachers, is to introduce new ideas and develop new and better ways to teach while respecting and valuing traditional culture and teachings.